10 лучших плагинов ChatGPT для IT

В этой статье поговорим про ChatGPT плагины, которые будут полезны в IT проектах или ваших ежедневных задачах.
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Теперь переходим к плагинам.
1. HeyGen Plugin
Плагин позволяющий генерировать AI аватар для видео, просто пишете фразу, которую нужно сказать и выбираете пол аватара:

2. Show Me plugin
Вы можете создавать mind maps, блок-схемы и диаграммы для любого топика. Идеально для визуалов.
Draw me a diagram that will explain <subject>
Вот например я попросил сгенерить диаграмму как работает CDN:

3. Prompt Perfect Plugin
PromptPerfect позволит вам создавать идеальные prompt'ы каждый раз, оптимизируя ваши запросы для получения наилучшего результата от ChatGPT. Он берет вашу оригинальные prompt'ы и переделывает ее для улучшения понимания, тем самым предоставляя более точные и полные ответы.
По сути, он берет ваши prompt'ы ChatGPT и делает их лучше.
perfect <your text>

4. SEO
Плагин выступает в виде советника по SEO для вашего сайта, стоит отметить что с англоязычным контентом он работает лучше.
Отправьте URL-адрес, и он мгновенно предоставит вам SEO анализ.
Вот к примеру мой prompt:
пожалуйста скажи что можно улучшить по ключевым словам и описанию https://bool.dev/blog/detail/roadmap-dlya-rust-razrabotchikov
Пример ответа:
Here is the SEO analysis for the webpage "https://bool.dev/blog/detail/roadmap-dlya-rust-razrabotchikov" with the keyword "Rust разработчик":
Robots.txt: The robots.txt file is well-structured and allows all bots to access the site, with some exceptions for specific directories.
Response Code: The page is accessible and returns a successful HTTP response.
Load Time: The page load time is 0.85 seconds, which is quite good. Fast load times improve user experience and can contribute to better search engine rankings.
Title Tag: The title tag is "Roadmap для Rust разработчиков — bool.dev". It's relevant and includes the keyword.
Meta Description: The meta description is "В этой статье рассмотрим роадмап, как развиваться и что учить для тех, кто хочет программировать на Rust." It's descriptive and relevant to the content of the page.
Headings: The page uses a good structure of headings (h1 to h4), which helps search engines understand the content.
Images: All images have alt text, which is good for accessibility and SEO. The keyword is included in the alt text of some images.
Links: The page contains a large number of internal and external links. This is generally good for SEO, as long as the links are relevant and lead to high-quality sites.
Keyword Occurrence: The keyword "Rust разработчик" appears 6 times in the body text, but it does not appear in the URL. Including the keyword in the URL can help with SEO.
To improve the SEO of this page, you could consider the following:
- Include the keyword in the URL if possible.
- Make sure all the links on the page are relevant and lead to high-quality websites.
- Continue to produce high-quality, relevant content that includes the keyword naturally.
Please note that SEO is a complex field and these are just some basic suggestions. For a more comprehensive strategy, you might want to consider consulting with an SEO specialist.
5. ChatWithPDF
Плагин умеет работать с PDF докуменетами.
Пример prompt:
extract me the key insights from pdf https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~jxb/DSA/dsa.pdf
6. Video Insights
Плагин позволяет показывать саммари по видео. Стоит учитывать что видео длинее 10 минут не всегда обрабатываются корректно
give me a key highlights from the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_SH2mvqxX0&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;ab_channel=EngineeringManagementInstitute
The video titled "What Does It Take To Be A Successful Engineering Manager?" features Kevin Riggs, President and CEO of Cole Design Group, who shares his insights on what it takes to be a successful manager in engineering. Here are the key highlights:
Trust: Riggs emphasizes the importance of trust, both in oneself and in the people assigned to you.
Understanding Skill Sets: It's crucial to learn your own skill set while also understanding the skill sets of those working with you.
Recognizing Gaps and Overlaps: Riggs stresses the need to recognize gaps and overlaps in the team and celebrate them to avoid stepping on each other's toes.
Teamwork: He advises young and inexperienced engineering managers to put together a team and work collectively towards a common goal.
Focus on People: The speaker discusses the importance of focusing on people appropriately in order to become a great manager.
The video was published on August 18, 2021, and as of the last update, it has received 6522 views, 54 likes, and 1 comment. The video duration is 2 minutes and 12 seconds.
You can watch the full video here.
8. Wolfram
Плагин от культовых Wolfram, портала который позволяет делать математические вычисления, рисовать графики и тд.

9. Webpilot
Плагин предназначен для считывания контента веб страниц и предоставляет функционал взаимодействия с ним, к примеру самое банальное: подсуммировать что сказано в статье на сайте
please summarize page from url https://engineering.linkedin.com/blog/2021/http-2-in-infrastructure--ambry-network-stack-refactoring
Пример ответа:
The blog post from LinkedIn Engineering discusses the implementation of HTTP/2 in LinkedIn's infrastructure, specifically in the context of refactoring the network stack of Ambry, LinkedIn's scalable geo-distributed object store.
Ambry is used to store objects like photos, videos, and resume uploads, as well as internal binary data. The post discusses the challenges faced with the network bottleneck between the Ambry frontend and storage nodes and how they adopted Netty-based HTTP/2 to solve this issue.
The authors review the Ambry architecture, discuss the network stack bottleneck, and outline the goals for refactoring the Ambry network stack. They chose Netty-based HTTP/2 for the refactoring due to its full-fledged framework, great performance, and long-time use in multiple products at LinkedIn.
The post also details the design and implementation of the new stack, including the use of Netty's classic design pattern on storage nodes and the creation of Http2NetworkClient on the frontend side.
The rollout of the new stack was done in a gradual manner to avoid cluster-level failure and data inconsistency issues. The performance of the new stack was tested and found to be improved in terms of latency, memory, and CPU utilization.
The authors conclude that the new stack has allowed them to scale Ambry to a much larger cluster size and enable throughput-oriented use cases. The new stack has been fully deployed in their production clusters for months and has been operating stably.
10. Scholar AI
Плагин позволяет искать по более 40 миллионов рецензируемых научных статей и PDF-файлов и так же выдержок из последних исследований.
Give me extracts on the latest research about computer processors
Пример ответа:
Here are some of the latest research papers related to computer processors:
Quantum computer-aided design: digital quantum simulation of quantum processors by T. Kyaw, T. Menke, Sukin Sim, A. Anand, Nicolas P. D. Sawaya, W. Oliver, G. Guerreschi, A. Aspuru-Guzik. Published on 2020-06-04. PDF
This paper discusses how one can design and test the performance of next-generation quantum hardware by using existing quantum computers. The study focuses on superconducting transmon processors as a prominent hardware platform.
Characterizing large-scale quantum computers via cycle benchmarking by A. Erhard, J. Wallman, L. Postler, M. Meth, R. Stricker, E. Martinez, P. Schindler, T. Monz, J. Emerson, R. Blatt. Published on 2019-02-22. PDF
This paper presents a rigorous and practically scalable protocol for characterizing local and global errors across multi-qubit quantum processors.
Quantum circuit learning by K. Mitarai, M. Negoro, M. Kitagawa, K. Fujii. Published on 2018-03-02. PDF
This paper proposes a classical-quantum hybrid algorithm for machine learning on near-term quantum processors, which they call quantum circuit learning.
Scaling read aligners to hundreds of threads on general-purpose processors by B. Langmead, C. Wilks, Valentin Antonescu, Rone Charles. Published on 2017-10-24. PDF
This paper discusses how genomics software can make the best use of many dozens of processor cores and support hundreds of simultaneous threads of execution.